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Para todos los amigos de JG hemos abierto una red social. Sólo para nosotros!!!! Entra y apúntate!!!!!

Para todos los amigos de JG hemos abierto una red social. Sólo para nosotros!!!! Entra y apúntate!!!!!


The myths and facts about toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a microscopic parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. Cats and other feline species are the definitive hosts, ie. the parasite develops in the cat. However, the infection can develop in several animal species including man.

Toxoplasmosis is an illness that is arousing a growing amount of interest in society. Many  clients who come to our hospital are worried about the possible transmission of this disease.

Toxoplasmosis is defined as a zoonosis, this means it is a disease shared by animals and  humans and can be transmitted from animals to humans. With this article I will try to break some of the myths created about this disease and provide prevention measures  and hygiene tips to minimize the possibility of transmitting the disease to humans.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a microscopic parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. Cats and   other feline species are the definitive hosts, ie. the parasite develops in the cat. However, the infection can develop in several animal species including man.

In humans, most infections are asymptomatic, causing no disease. Maybe one in 10  people will demonstrate mild flu-like symptoms. These can go totally unnoticed if no  specific clinical examinations are performed. People when infected, develop immunity,  therefore re-infection does not occur. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of faeces of a cat that has itself recently been infected or by transmission from  mother to fetus. Although cats are often blamed for spreading toxoplasmosis, contact with  raw meat is a more significant source of human infections in many countries and  fecal contamination of hands is a greater risk factor. According to some studies, around  half the world’s population has been infected with toxoplasma at some point in their lives.

Cats excrete the pathogen in their faeces for a number of weeks after contracting the  disease, generally by eating an infected rodent. Even then, cat faeces are not generally  contagious for the first day or two after excretion, after which the cyst ‘ripens’ and  becomes potentially pathogenic.

Studies have shown that only about 2% of cats are shedding oocysts at any one time and  that oocyst shedding does not recur even after repeated exposure to the parasite. The  greatest risks are to people with a weakened immune system, such as AIDS patients or  pregnant women.

In pregnant women the parasite can cross the placenta and infect the fetus, causing abortions or congenital malformations that may develop even several years after birth. If the woman is infected before six months of pregnancy there are no risks to the mother or the fetus due to the development of antibodies. A simple blood test can determine whether the mother has been exposed to the parasite and whether the infection has  occurred recently. In the latter case, your doctor will provide a drug that will greatly reduce the risk of infection to the fetus. If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, check with your doctor. In AIDS patients or people receiving treatment with certain drugs such as steroids or chemotherapy the infection can progress to a severe form of the  disease.

Recommendations and appropriate measures to prevent toxoplasma infection: These recommendations are valid for the general population, for pregnant women or immune  compromised patients in particular. Wear gloves when handling raw meats. Wash hands  and instruments with soap and water after handling meat products. The freezing process  of 3-5 days or cooking meats and vegetables over the 66 ° C completely destroyed the  parasites.

  • Wash fresh produce before consumption.
  • Boil water if canalisation system is non existent.
  • Use gloves when gardening or working with soil. In the soil the parasites can remain infectious for many months.
  • Do not feed cats raw meat.
  • It is advisable to rinse out the cat litter box, especially if they are roaming free. If you are pregnant or immune compromised, delegate the job to another person.

In conclusion, it is important to note that from the epidemic or statistical point of view the vast majority of human infections are not associated to cats. Therefore living with your pets does not significantly increase the risk of infection. Especially not when your pet is housekept and fed only on commercial feed or thoroughly cooked homemade food. Without doubt, the greatest risk of infection in developed countries is the handling of raw  meat, ingestion of poorly cooked meats and vegetables and the lack of appropriate  hygiene measures when handling soil or doing yard work.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

How often should we deworm our pets?

Up to 30% of our animals are carriers of various parasites, including several types of worms round (nematodes) and flatworms (tapeworms), most of them transmitable to humans

According to various studies and depending on the area you live in (city or rural area), up  to 30% of our animals are carriers of various parasites, including several types of worms  round (nematodes) and flatworms (tapeworms), most of them transmitable to humans.

Deworming should be performed both in puppies and adult animals as well as pregnant bitches/cats (as they can often transmit these parasites to their offspring).

It is therefore important to check our animals and set up a regular routine of at least four times a year. Just a simple protocol and some hy-gienic measures to prevent transmission: Apart from collecting pet droppings and disposing of them appropriately it is essential to prevent the reproduction of these parasites by avoiding the feeding of raw meat. Try and restrict contact with wild animals (rodents and insects such as flies, cockroaches, etc.) and access to fields or gardens where children play.

Recent European guidelines use a philosophy more geared towards individual risks for each animal. These guidelines recommend that if regular deworming is used, animals should be treated at least four times a year, with no more than three months between
each treatment. This is based on some research indicating that dropping treatment to three-four times per year had no effect on parasite levels. This approach is more  conservative (in terms of the number of treatments) and probably has less of an impact on the development of resistance, but it requires more organisation and thought. If used properly, it’s probably a good approach.

Heartworm Photo from JG vets

There really can’t be a ‘one program fits all’ approach that properly addresses the risks for all pets (and people) in all regions. Tailoring the deworming strategy to your pet, based on your pet’s and your family’s risk, is the logical approach.

Regardless of the chosen approach, regular fecal testing is a good (and underused) way to assess what’s going on with parasites in your pet, and to identify treatment failure or the emergence of drug resistance.

Monthly heartworm prevention has an impact on what you do as well, since typical  heartworm preventives are also effective against roundworms and hookworms, the main  parasites targeted by routine deworming. If you are in a region where heartworm is  present, monthly treatment during the heartworm season is indicated, and the main  decision that needs to be made is what to do the rest of the year (where heartworm isn’t a  risk year-round).

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

The benefits of owning a pet

Classically it has been said that having a dog or cat for company, offering their loyalty, love and trust to the family, improves your lifestyle. But now this concept of companion pets goes further. There is evidence to suggest that pets are a fundamental support for people living alone
or for single parents; a situation that is becoming more common. In some cases, the social support offered by an animal is greater than the support another human could offer. Several studies recommend pets for children and adults  with psychological problems, elderly people and many other groups of people. Stroking the  coats of cats and dogs has relaxing effects on humans. Pet ownership can teach us responsibility as we must provide the animals with veterinary care, food, walks and satisfy their physiological needs,  etc. A dog, for example, improves our sociability as we need to leave the house to take him for walks, which in turn tears us away from the TV, computer or work, encouraging us to make friends with other dog owners.  Our pets also invite us to play; both children and adults alike, bringing smiles to our faces and encouraging laughter – which in turn keeps us feeling  young.  Rare is the psychologist who fails to give this advice to his patient… «Buy your child a dog, a cat, a bird or an aquarium.» There are numerous foundations  with the slogan «pets benefit your health.» Scientific research testifies to this ‘pet ower’ and budgies, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs and fish all have their part to play. Contact with animals can
bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, helping to prevent illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure and aiding recovery. In short, it is highly recommended to have a pet. You must however always try to find one that best suits your lifestyle.
Before bringing a pet into your life ask yourself the following questions:
■ Why do you want a pet?
■ Do you have time for a pet?
■ Can you afford a pet?
■ Are you prepared to deal with any special problems the animal may cause?
■ Can you have a pet where you live?
■ Is it the right time for you to get a pet?
■ Are your living arrangements suited to the animal you have in mind?
■ Who will care for your animal if you have to be away or die?
■ Are you able and prepared to care for and keep the animal for the rest of his life?

No one wants to see an animal end up in a shelter or abandoned, or being abused and neglected. So before anyone rushes off to get a pet, all
the above questions should be answered as truthfully as possible. The next step is to carefully choose the type of pet most suited to the individual, and match up the right animal to the right owner. People wanting more security in their home has played a huge part in the popularity of guard dogs. And although very effective for this purpose, the downside of this trend has been the increase of pit-bulls or
rottweilers taught to frighten people. It is now fashionable to have ‘aggressive dogs’. Bites from dogs whose owners have not obtained a ‘guard dog  licence’ are becoming frequent.  It is also not uncommon is to find a neighbour who hates dogs and complains they leave
fur in communal areas, bark at night or that the elevator smells of dog. These people are precisely those who could most benefit from owning a pet! The benefits of pet ownership to society are far greater  than the problems it may cause – as this society is degenerating due to major stress which is often curable with owning a pet. So you know, own a pet and see society change!

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

Does your cat have everything it needs?

If you have a cat at home, you have the obligation of providing it with everything it needs to develop good health and hygiene. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to keep your cat in good condition, as it is an easy and inexpensive pet to maintain. So, here are the essential tools:

1 – Litter tray: with a roof if desired, and with cat litter (clumping litter is more hygienic and comfortable to use). A deodorising agent can be added or deodorised cat litter is available. The litter tray should be plastic to facilitate cleaning.

2 – Scratching post: cats like to scratch; so providing them with a suitable scratching post will allow them to display this behaviour without having to resort to your sofa! The best type is made of rope. Additionally you should cut your cats claws from time to time with special clippers. Ask your vet to show you how.

3 – Food and water bowls: should be plastic or metal and  separate (double feeders are not recommended due to difficult cleaning). Complete dry food is preferable (although canned cat food is more palatable) as cats eat several times a day.

4 – Bedding: to get your cat used to sleeping in your home,  place soft bedding in an enclosed/igloo type basket which are available commercially. Cats also like to climb and hide inside things, so providing shelves, climbing frames and cardboard boxes keep your cat

5 – Malt oil: is recommended  to prevent formation of hairballs in the digestive tract. Cats are constantly grooming and simultaneously ingesting  air. Cats love to eat grass, an action that makes it possible to eliminate the hairs ingested, however the weekly supply of malt oil makes this unnecessary.

6 – Brushes: should have soft plastic spikes and be used daily, thereby stimulating the renewal of dead hair and preventing the formation of uncomfortable knots.

7 – Toys: are very important to keep the cats senses in top condition (sight, hearing, smell and touch) and their nervous system requires continuous stimulation. Remember that cats have developed as effective nocturnal predators, and will naturally spend up to half of their time
engaged in hunting activity. If they are not hunting, this activity needs to be replaced by other forms of exercise and mental stimulation. The best way to use up your cat’s energy is to play with him. There are lots of cat toys available in pet shops or they can be made very cheaply from ping pong balls, string or old plastic bottles. The things that make toys interesting for cats are novelty and movement. A toy that doesn’t
move and which has been on the floor for a week will not entertain your cat! So change toys regularly and actively play with them to make them interesting. Hanging toys up so that they swing in the breeze or move with a door will also make them more interesting.

■ It is important to worm your cat every two or three months. Your cat should also receive two annual vaccinations which protect against calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, chlamydia, and the feline leukaemia virus. Even if your cat does not go out on the street, owners constantly introduce viruses and bacteria into the home. Finally, your cat should also receive a monthly treatment of external parasites.
Cats can be bathed monthly with specifically designed shampoos. If you opt for premium or high end range of complete foods which provide all the nutrients required there is no need to add vitamins or medicines to the daily feed. However, long haired cats appreciate the occasional
addition of a few drops of oil rich in fatty acids, which will strengthen their skin and fur. Vets are noticing an increase in the number of cats with sand or stones in their urine, mainly due to poor nutrition.

Did you know…
Neutering has multiple benefits for both male and female cats. Males will be less inclined  to fight, roam and spray, thus lessening the risk of catching diseases spread through bites. Females won’t have to endure the painful mating process, will be less likely to contract diseases that are spread through bites or reproductive activity and, of course, there will be fewer unwanted kittens. Unneutered female cats are at greater  risk of developing mammary cancer.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.