La raza de la semana: El Bedlington terrier

Ejemplar de cachorro macho de ocho meses de edad que nos ha visitado esta semana para su chequeo-revisión periódica

Procedente de Bedlington, localidad del norte de inglaterra, es llamado también Rothbury terrier, siendo muy similar al caniche o poodle mediano pero algo más grande, alargado y robusto y con un carácter más dinámico e intrépido que aquel aunque igual de afectuoso con sus dueños o niños.


-Utilizado en sus orígenes como perro de caza (conejo, nutria…) y defensa contra ratas, zorros, tejones, hurones... de la campiña inglesa o incluso en carreras de perros u otras actividades deportivas.

-Actualmente se les ve más como animal de compañía y belleza-competición o trabajo-agility asemejándose tras sesiones de peluquería a » borreguitos u ovejitas»

Su altura a los hombros no supera los 40 cm y no pesan más de 10 kg.

Su pelate tiende a ser rizado y de colores claros ( gris con blanco)

Como todos los perros de raza pequeña son longevos, superando una vida media de 13 años, teniendo tendencia a padecer problemas hepáticos, urinarios y demencia senil.

We teach you how to brush your dog: you will be surprised how handsome he/she is

We teach you how to brush your dog: you will be surprised how handsome he/she is.

Come to JG with your dog and we will teach you in 10 minutes how to brush him/her properly, and how to remove all the loose hair.

Join us and brush your dog yourself ! Send us an email to get your turn: or whatsapp 679 475 391

Schedule (prior confirmed appointment) Saturday evening at 6 or at 7 pm

Saturdays: August 30, September 6 and September 13.

Free for all the JG-customers (and above that, the first 40 participants will receive a practical gift).

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Para todos los amigos de JG hemos abierto una red social. Sólo para nosotros!!!! Entra y apúntate!!!!!

The dog’s ancestors

Dogs were domesticated from the gray wolf about 15,000 years ago

Evolution and domestication

Dogs were domesticated from the gray wolf about 15,000 years ago. They perform many roles for people such as hunting, herding, protection, assisting police, companionship, and, more recently to assist handicapped people.

In 2001 there were an  estimated 400 million dogs in the world. Over the 15,000 years the dog has been domesticated, the dog has developed into hundreds of different types through selective breeding by humans and shows more behavioural and morphological variation than any other land mammal.


Dog is the commonly used term that refers to members of the Canis lupus, or «true dogs», including the wolf, coyote (canis latrans) and the jackal (canis aureus) whose main representative is the Golden Jackal, the dingo (canis dingo) and the domestic dog (canis familiaris). Wolves in North America or Eurasia appeared when the two continents were  connected by the Bering Strait and from there spread to the American continents, Europe and Asia eventually reaching the south of India, Arabia and northern Mexico. There is  evidence that the jackals originated in North Africa and from there spread to the south  and west, reaching the Malaysian peninsula as well as India and Arabia, where they  coexist with wolves. The coyote is isolated geographically from the jackals, but not the  wolves and only inhabit the Americas. Consisting of a single species that originated  recently (about 500,000 years ago) and was formed from a few packs of wolves that  were left behind after the last Ice Age. The dingo is the Australian representative of the  genus Canis, although there is evidence that in fact it was a feral dog, which reached the Australian continent from Asia, alongside the first natives. This genre would originate   from a subspecies of the wolf called Canis lupus pallipes. There are several theories about  the origin of the domestic dog the most accepted being that they are the direct descendants of the wolf. However the influence of other species in the evolution of the  domestic dog may be considered more than a suspicion, at least in some breeds. You can  see in the enormous genetic variability present in today’s domestic dog, for example the  differences between the Chihuahua and the St. Bernard, that there can only have been a multifaceted origin or it was at least heavily influenced by other species.


Wolves and their dog descendants would have received significant benefits from living in human camps…more safety, more reliable food, lesser caloric needs, and more chance to breed. Humans would also have benefited enormously from the dogs associated with their camps. For instance, dogs would have improved sanitation by cleaning up food scraps.  They would have alerted the camp to the presence of predators or strangers, using their  acute hearing to provide an early warning. Anthropologists believe the most significant benefit would have been the use of dogs’ sensitive sense of smell to assist with the hunt. The relationship between the presence of a dog and success in the hunt is often  mentioned as a primary reason for the domestication of the wolf. The dog was our first  pet, as manifested by the numerous rock paintings found in various latitudes showing  hunting scenes. The first two contributions to man’s way of life were: the aforementioned  cooperation in hunting and the protection of the camps. At this point arose the need for  two types of dogs.

One light, brave, with good sense of smell, obedient and with the aptitude to race… the Canis familiaris leinieri, ancestor of the hound. Another, heavier, stronger, good hearing,  which would correspond with the modern guard dogs whose ancestry is Canis familiaris inostranzewi. This was soon followed by the domestication of sheep, which required a   Shepherd type dog. The shepherd dog needed to be lightweight, extremely intelligent,  and above all to have lost the instinct of aggressiveness towards cattle and sheep… their ancestor was the Canis familiaris metris-optimae.

Independently, in the northernmost regions the Canis familiaris palustris formed which  evolved into the modern sled dogs. In modern times the most widespread form of  interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs and the keeping of dogs as companions. In the 1950s and 1960s, dogs were kept outside more often than they tend  to be today being primarily used as a guard, children’s playmate, or walking companion.

Since then there have been huge changes in the role of the pet dog, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their owners. People and dogs have become more  and more integrated in each other’s lives, to the point where pet dogs actively shape the way a family and home are experienced.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

When your dog is ill

Do you really know you when your dog is sick? Many times, our pets may show behavioural changes indicative  of suffering. The owner is the only one that can detect the symptoms and will be of vital importance when it comes to communicating these to the vet.
When you get home and do not get the usual greeting or your dog does not respond  in the normal manner when invited for his daily walk, he may be suffering or  incubating an illness. If his appetite is not normal it can often be caused by gastritis. This can happen quite regularly  (every 1 or 2 weeks) especially if fed leftovers. This type of feeding can cause a sudden change in pH or a drastic increase of gastric acids. In  these cases, simply fasting the dog for 24 hours will often bring him back to normal. Nausea can manifest itself by excessive licking or salivation, the ingestion of  grass or weeds. Excessive thirst is also indicative of a gastro-intestinal or sometimes urinary problems.
Excessive scratching of the anal area may indicate an alteration in anal glands or a parasitic intestinal worms. Frequent shaking of the head could indicate an outer ear infection. Excessive scratching of the skin may indicate the presence of fleas, especially if the scratching happens in the posterior third. In addition to behavioural changes you should take note of the frequency and colour of the stools and urine. In neutered bitches the regularity and strength of periods can also be of importance. Respiratory symptoms such as coughing should be monitored and noted if it occurs during exertion or rest, at night or during the day… the vet will probably ask these questions. Certain breeds are more prone than others to particular diseases, common (but not exhaustive) are: Setters and Greyhounds – Distemper virus. Rottweilers – Parvovirus. West Highland Terrier – obstruction of the cardia. Shar-Pei – Entropion Dachshunds – spinal problems. Golden Retrievers – intestinal disease. Chow-Chow – moist dermatitis. Boxers – skin tumours. Pekinese – ocular prolapse. Yorkshire Terrier – liver disease and dental problems. German Shepherd – hip dysplasia. Doberman – cervical spine problems. Dogue de Bordeaux – demodectic mange. Poodle – heart disease. Collie – eye problems. Bulldog – respiratory problems. Age is another factor to take into account when it comes to certain illnesses. From one year of age it is almost impossible for a dog to have parvovirus, from 7 years onwards it is more  common to encounter heart disease, osteoarthritis, cataracts, etc, and from age 10 a fairly frequent occurrence are mammary tumours, skin tumours, spleen tumours, etc.

Because our dogs cannot speak, it is up to the owner, or the person who best knows the dogs habits and spends most time with them to act as a spokesperson when visiting the veterinary. The more detailed your information is the more accurate the diagnosis by the veterinarian will be. It can make a big difference. Here is a list of the data that the animal owner should provide to the vet when your pet gets sick (which constitute the so-called medical history).

Where did you get your pet: shop, breeder, rescue home, found?
Habitat and care
Where do you reside: city or countryside?
Which family member is most familiar with the pet?
What is the regular food?
How often do you batheyour pet? Which shampoo do you use?
Do you have other animals?
What kind? Have they been sick?
Where do you walk normally? Who walks the dog? How many times a day?
Health status
Are the vaccinations complete and up to date?
Against which diseases?
Is the treatment against internal and external parasites up to date? Which products are being used?
When was the last time you visited a vet? Which tests were performed?
What was the last date of a blood test?
Has the animal had any surgery?
Has the animal been sick before? What medications do you give?
Present illness
What’s wrong?
Since when?
What do you attribute it to?
If you are able to answer all of these questions when your pet becomes ill, it would be a great aid to a vet’s diagnosis

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

Caring for the senior dog

Even though your dog may be slowing down a little, there’s no reason why the later years in life shouldn’t be some of the most rewarding. After all, he’s wiser as well as older. With regular veterinary attention,  daily care and proper nutrition, your senior dog can still experience a very happy, healthy life. Dogs are often older than  we think they are, especially when we’ve had them as puppies as time flies by and we have always been used to their energetic behaviour.

There is a wide breed variation in what constitutes older age as generally speaking, small dogs live the longest, while large and giant breeds have relatively short lifespans (a Great Dane is considered ‘old’ at six). In addition  to a dog’s breed, specific lifestyle factors affect how long a particular dog will live, such as diet, exercise and medical history. As the owner of an older dog it is important to recognise tell-tale signs of illness so you can seek prompt veterinary attention. Many diseases  have slow, progressive signs that are easy to put down to ‘old age’ but in fact may be very treatable. Certain changes will occur in your dog’s body as he gets older. Important bodily functions, normally taken for granted, may start to slow down or malfunction. Just like humans, the senses eventually start to deteriorate, leading to impaired vision, hearing, taste and smell. Older dogs are also prone to a number of medical conditions, the signs of which can be subtle and that we, as owners, should be on the lookout for as many are treatable.

In the same way human medicine has lengthened life expectancy, this is also ensured in veterinary medicine. Today’s available diagnostics and treatments have enabled us to prolong the life of your pet as much as possible whilst maintaining their quality of life. Diseases that are frequently diagnosed in this age group of dogs include:
■ Osteoarthritis is common in older dogs causing reduced energy levels, lameness, stiffness or difficulty getting up, or lameness/stiffness after a walk and reluctance to exercise.
■ Dental diseases – tooth and gum conditions are common in older dogs; look out for food being dropped, excessive salivation, pawing at the mouth, smelly breath or difficulty chewing food. Swellings below the eye may be signs of tooth root abscesses and need veterinary attention. .
■ Kidney problems can cause excessive thirst and frequent  or uncontrolled urination. Drinking and urinating more can also indicate other problems such as diabetes and various other hormonal conditions.
■ Heart and respiratory conditions can cause reluctance to exercise, coughing, trouble breathing and lethargy.
■ Cancers, the type of  which will dictate the signs but any unexplained weight loss, or growths, warts or skin lumps should be investigated.
■ Cognitive behavioural dysfunction, a syndrome which can cause signs consistent with senility including disorientation, pacing and inappropriate vocalisation.
■ Cataracts can be a problem in older dogs, but a hazy, bluish appearance to the eyes can be normal (a condition called nuclear sclerosis). Your vet will be able to distinguish between the two. If you notice any of the above signs, or any other signs  of illness such as vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, weight loss or weight gain or reluctance to exercise contact your vet.

The recommendations we can offer owners of older dogs are described in our following senior plan:

1 – Nutrition: feed older pets with foods low in salt and fat (light complete foods) that are especially formulated for them. Supplement their diet with a Chondroitin Sulfate compound to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis as much as possible.

2 – Periodic check-ups: a clinical review conducted annually is recommended. This consists of blood tests, two Xrays, Ultrasound and an Electrocardiogram for a detailed study of how the Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Endocrine, Renal, Reproductive, and  Locomotion systems are functioning. These check-ups are cheap, fast and provide essential information that enables us to control our senior patient.

3 – Hygiene: give special care and attention to the health of eyes, ears, anal glands etc with emphasis to the mouth, which should not have bad breath, gingivitis or periodontitis present. These oral infections, once present, can shorten the lifespan of your pet considerably due to their effect on the heart.

4 – Medications: we recommend the use of products such as Karsivan for all our senior patients, these enable more oxygen to reach the vital organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys. In addition to Heart failure, Periodontitis, Arthritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and many others diseases it is now more common to find tumours or cancer in our senior patients.

Over the years, the chances of our dogs having a tumour have increased. The types of tumours
vary from the less harmful such as warts to the most damaging Lymphomas. In bitches, mammary tumours refer directly to their reproductive life and can affect 50% of all bitches over the age of 7.
The veterinary expert knows how to look for any evidence of tumours in senior patients and in addition we have now at our disposal series of diagnostic tools that will facilitate their early detection.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

How often should we deworm our pets?

Up to 30% of our animals are carriers of various parasites, including several types of worms round (nematodes) and flatworms (tapeworms), most of them transmitable to humans

According to various studies and depending on the area you live in (city or rural area), up  to 30% of our animals are carriers of various parasites, including several types of worms  round (nematodes) and flatworms (tapeworms), most of them transmitable to humans.

Deworming should be performed both in puppies and adult animals as well as pregnant bitches/cats (as they can often transmit these parasites to their offspring).

It is therefore important to check our animals and set up a regular routine of at least four times a year. Just a simple protocol and some hy-gienic measures to prevent transmission: Apart from collecting pet droppings and disposing of them appropriately it is essential to prevent the reproduction of these parasites by avoiding the feeding of raw meat. Try and restrict contact with wild animals (rodents and insects such as flies, cockroaches, etc.) and access to fields or gardens where children play.

Recent European guidelines use a philosophy more geared towards individual risks for each animal. These guidelines recommend that if regular deworming is used, animals should be treated at least four times a year, with no more than three months between
each treatment. This is based on some research indicating that dropping treatment to three-four times per year had no effect on parasite levels. This approach is more  conservative (in terms of the number of treatments) and probably has less of an impact on the development of resistance, but it requires more organisation and thought. If used properly, it’s probably a good approach.

Heartworm Photo from JG vets

There really can’t be a ‘one program fits all’ approach that properly addresses the risks for all pets (and people) in all regions. Tailoring the deworming strategy to your pet, based on your pet’s and your family’s risk, is the logical approach.

Regardless of the chosen approach, regular fecal testing is a good (and underused) way to assess what’s going on with parasites in your pet, and to identify treatment failure or the emergence of drug resistance.

Monthly heartworm prevention has an impact on what you do as well, since typical  heartworm preventives are also effective against roundworms and hookworms, the main  parasites targeted by routine deworming. If you are in a region where heartworm is  present, monthly treatment during the heartworm season is indicated, and the main  decision that needs to be made is what to do the rest of the year (where heartworm isn’t a  risk year-round).

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

Canine leishmaniosis: protect your dog

Canine leishmaniosis is an insidious disease usually occurring in hotter climates and is often not familiar to people coming from colder locations. However, it is a severe disease (often fatal), so if you bring a dog to Spain (even just for a holiday) or intend to buy a dog,
there are measures you should take to help protect your dog.

Transmission of leishmaniosis?
By far the most common method of a dog catching leishmaniosis is by transmission from the bite(s) of the blood sucking female sand fly.  These sand flies can bite an infected animal and carry the disease, when the sand fly then bites another animal the parasite is transmitted. The name ‘sand fly’ implies a beach type location, but this is not so, they  will be found predominantly in the countryside, rural greenlands and gardens. These types of insects are most active from May to October between the  times of sunset to sunrise, so these should be considered the most dangerous periods.

Indications of canine leishmaniosis
Typically there are a wide range of symptoms indicating the disease. Hair loss and poor  condition, especially in the muzzle and eye areas, but progressively spreading to the rest of the body. Skin will become dry. Ulcers and general skin sores may develop particularly around the head and legs. Weight loss can become very severe, with the appearance of malnutrition, even though appetite for food is good. All conditions are progressive and later indications may also appear including the dogs claws becoming very long and twisted.

Veterinary diagnosis
An experienced vet in an endemic area will recognize the visual indications, however diagnostic confirmation is required. Bone marrow or
lymph sample may be examined microscopically, blood analysis will identify antibodies or DNA markers of the parasite present in the blood.

Treatments for an infected dog
In clinical terms, there is presently no cure for this disease. However, if a dog is diagnosed in the early stages, there is reasonable expectation that the disease can be successfully controlled. Once infected, a dog will probably carry the parasite for  life, although once properlytreated any remaining parasitic levels should be extremely low and there will always be a chance of relapse. It is important the treatment and regular
supervision is undertaken by a qualified vet as initial treatment can take weeks and needs to be closely monitored.

Preventative measures
As the female sand fly usually bites between dusk and dawn and also habitats dark areas around litter and rubbish, avoid taking dogs for  walks at these times and places. ‘House’ dogs are safer and at reduced risk, but screens and nets will provide added protection where windows and doors are left open. Periodically spraying of anti-mosquito products around your dogs bed/sleeping area will also help. The use of  Scalibor collars releases an active ingredient onto the dog’s  skin which will last for up to six months and tests have shown an 80-90% increase in protection from sand fly bites. Ex-spot can also be applied (once a month). Importantly, keep a good hygienic environment for your dog, avoid plants, flowers and rubbish in the areas your dog frequents. Maintain an optimal immune system in your dog: It can be confidently assumed that 100% of dogs in our area have been bitten by sand flies, but only a few will carry the transmittable parasite, this is
due to most dogs having resisted the disease in their immune system. The immune system is reinforced with good ‘premium’ nutritional foods with a good balance of protein, fat, vitamins and trace elements allows our dog’s defence system to deal with this and other diseases. Keeping your dog free from internal (worms, tapeworms) and other external parasites (fleas, ticks, mites, etc) will also ensure your dogs immune system is in the best state to deal with diseases.
Early diagnosis: The period of incubation of the parasite is very long (months or years), so many dogs that  have not manifested symptoms
can still be incubating and transmitting the disease. Therefore it is recommended that a blood test with a good  immunosorbent assay (ELISA) be performed every 6-8 months. Blood tests for detection of antibodies in all dogs, even if apparently healthy, are important, because if diagnosed in early or initial stages your dog could be properly treated and live a full happy/healthy life.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

The benefits of owning a pet

Classically it has been said that having a dog or cat for company, offering their loyalty, love and trust to the family, improves your lifestyle. But now this concept of companion pets goes further. There is evidence to suggest that pets are a fundamental support for people living alone
or for single parents; a situation that is becoming more common. In some cases, the social support offered by an animal is greater than the support another human could offer. Several studies recommend pets for children and adults  with psychological problems, elderly people and many other groups of people. Stroking the  coats of cats and dogs has relaxing effects on humans. Pet ownership can teach us responsibility as we must provide the animals with veterinary care, food, walks and satisfy their physiological needs,  etc. A dog, for example, improves our sociability as we need to leave the house to take him for walks, which in turn tears us away from the TV, computer or work, encouraging us to make friends with other dog owners.  Our pets also invite us to play; both children and adults alike, bringing smiles to our faces and encouraging laughter – which in turn keeps us feeling  young.  Rare is the psychologist who fails to give this advice to his patient… «Buy your child a dog, a cat, a bird or an aquarium.» There are numerous foundations  with the slogan «pets benefit your health.» Scientific research testifies to this ‘pet ower’ and budgies, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs and fish all have their part to play. Contact with animals can
bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, helping to prevent illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure and aiding recovery. In short, it is highly recommended to have a pet. You must however always try to find one that best suits your lifestyle.
Before bringing a pet into your life ask yourself the following questions:
■ Why do you want a pet?
■ Do you have time for a pet?
■ Can you afford a pet?
■ Are you prepared to deal with any special problems the animal may cause?
■ Can you have a pet where you live?
■ Is it the right time for you to get a pet?
■ Are your living arrangements suited to the animal you have in mind?
■ Who will care for your animal if you have to be away or die?
■ Are you able and prepared to care for and keep the animal for the rest of his life?

No one wants to see an animal end up in a shelter or abandoned, or being abused and neglected. So before anyone rushes off to get a pet, all
the above questions should be answered as truthfully as possible. The next step is to carefully choose the type of pet most suited to the individual, and match up the right animal to the right owner. People wanting more security in their home has played a huge part in the popularity of guard dogs. And although very effective for this purpose, the downside of this trend has been the increase of pit-bulls or
rottweilers taught to frighten people. It is now fashionable to have ‘aggressive dogs’. Bites from dogs whose owners have not obtained a ‘guard dog  licence’ are becoming frequent.  It is also not uncommon is to find a neighbour who hates dogs and complains they leave
fur in communal areas, bark at night or that the elevator smells of dog. These people are precisely those who could most benefit from owning a pet! The benefits of pet ownership to society are far greater  than the problems it may cause – as this society is degenerating due to major stress which is often curable with owning a pet. So you know, own a pet and see society change!

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

Body health plan for your dog

There is no doubt that maintaining the correct hygiene in our pets has a direct impact on their health and the health of the people living with them. I often hear in our clinic statements like «my dog smells doggy” or «my dog has bad breath». Many people are satisfied with the theory that dogs have to be like that to be natural… not so! 90% of dogs with these odours probably have full anal glands or have dental plaque.
Many dogs have been bathed infrequently (because the owner was told washing is bad for the skin or coat), perhaps the ears have never been
cleaned. Some owners may not worry about such problems, but it has been demonstrated that dogs with bad hygiene are more likely to have external parasites and can suffer from numerous diseases. Keeping a dog healthy is very much the job of the owner. While it is necessary to
take your dog for regular checkups at the veterinarian, you also need to take care of the simple things at home so your dog will not end up with more serious problems. Follow this 10 point regime to keep your dog in perfect condition.

1-BATH: With warm water every 15 days, using special shampoos for dogs (anti-parasite shampoos are recommended). But, if your dog gets
dirty wash as and when necessary! In the summer you can cool them off daily with water, no shampoo necessary.

2-GROOMING: Brush daily using a brush best suited for your dog’s hair type. Brushing stimulates the skin and keeps it healthy. It prevents matting of your dog’s coat and removes excess hair. Long and thick hair needs brushes with bristles far apart, while short hair needs to be groomed with short and hard bristles. Wire brushes and slicker brushes remove dead skin along with excess hair, and are suitable for medium to long hair. Bristle brushes work on all coat types. Rakes remove severe tangles. Rubber curry combs massage your dog’s skin along with removing dead hair.

3-EARS: You should check for any unusual odours, redness, or inflammation weekly. Should your dog have any of these symptoms, contact your vet and set up an appointment. To clean use an animal approved ear solution which will dissolve the cerumen that accumulates in the outer ear? Be careful to not clean too deeply into your dog’s ear canal.

4-EYES: Use special wipes daily, using them on the eyelids will keep them in optimal condition, also a special eye cleansing solution can be applied monthly. Always keep eyes free of hair by combing frequently or by tying the hair back with a ribbon. Continuous irritation by the hair can commonly cause keratitis and conjunctivitis.

5-MOUTH: Brush your pet’s teeth weekly, especially if fed soft foods, thus avoiding a scale deposit, which when present, has to be cleaned by ultrasound. More convenient than the brush is the frequent use of anti-tartar tablets. Do not ignore the build up of tartar , as it may cause serious gum disease and mouth infections. It can also cause a related problem with the heart (endocarditis). Brush and wash the hair surrounding the mouth regularly so that it is not always wet with saliva, which can be a source of unpleasant odours.

6-CLAWS: Trim nails monthly, if left unattended deformations of the fingers could result. Dogs are typically averse to having their paws
handled so they do not appreciate their nails being cut. When trimming you need to be extremely careful, this is because if you cut the nails even slightly shorter than required it will be painful for your pet. Ask your veterinarian to show you how.

7-PADS: If your dog walks a lot on asphalt or in the country, you may need to use a liquid protector for their pads which helps prevent ulcer formation.

8-ANAL GLANDS: Should be checked monthly. Ask your vet to teach you.

9-ANUS: Always keep free of hair and use special wipes to keep clean.

10–GENITAL AREAS: Keep the area clean with special wipes. If, despite the above, your dog is still smelly the chances are he/she has poor nutrition of the skin, in which case a visit to the vet would be advisable. He may suggest a slight diet change or an anti-seborrhoeic shampoo/moisturizer combination. The use of deodorants, colognes and cosmetics should not be abused, as it can alter the colour and lustre of the coat. Rather than mask any smells, you are better advised to prevent them by keeping your pet clean.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.