Salvando la vida a una conejita

Suerte la de ésta conejita de pocas semanas al ser encontrada en el campo por una persona amante de los animales que le ha salvado la vida, evitando ser devorada por otros animales o morir atropellada.

Estado de su pierna cuando acudió al hospital para su tratamiento y cuidados.

Con la pata rota y gangrenada hasta el talón y una trementa herida en la pierna, no ha habido más remedio que quitar esa parte de la extremidad y curarle con sutura la otra herida.

Después de varios días de curas, antibióticos y dulces cuidados nuestros como por su nuevo propietario, esta conejita vuelve a la disfrutar de la vida.

Los cuidados de los primeros días son fundamentales.

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ya tenemos  en la tienda, como todos los años, el calendario JG para coche.

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Para todos los amigos de JG hemos abierto una red social. Sólo para nosotros!!!! Entra y apúntate!!!!!

Para todos los amigos de JG hemos abierto una red social. Sólo para nosotros!!!! Entra y apúntate!!!!!

Feeding and caring for Gerbils at home

By Domingo García

Gerbils are clean animals that are relatively odourless with a natural curiosity and easy to handle.

They are very friendly and will climb onto your hand without any problem to take food even though you don’t have to handle them too much.

Their livers are mainly nocturnal but they do leave their nests if they hear a noise that worries them.

Gerbils are able to retain water but this does not mean that you do not have to give them water on a regular basis.

An important factor in caring for gerbils is the temperature they are kept at. Although they can survive at 30C, the ideal ambient temperature for them is between 17-22C with a humidity level of not more than 50% otherwise their fur will turn greasy.

They are able to live together, especially if they have been brought up together but they are known to fight and females are more aggressive than males.

It is advised to house gerbils in either metal cages or fish tank-style containers that have plenty of ventilation. If a metal cage is to be used make sure the space between the bars is not too wide because gerbils are very agile and can squeeze through small gaps.

The flooring of the cage should be of an earthy-type material because gerbils like to burrow and their nest should ideally be made of paper. Avoid using materials with artificial fibres as these can be ingested and cause respiratory or digestive problems.

The use of sand is also not recommended as this can cause abrasions to the animals face.

Feeding gerbils is straight forward. You can use a mix of seeds that contain protein granules and the diet can be supplemented with fresh vegetables.

Gerbils also like oily seeds such as sunflower as well as dried fruits which can be given as treats rather than as part of their regular diet because this could cause osteoporosis if their calcium intake levels drop, which in turn could lead to bone fractures or deformities.

The hamster as a pet

The word ‘hamster’ comes from the German word ‘hamstern’ which means ‘to hoard’.

Zoological Classification

  • Kingdom: Animal
  • Class: Mammal
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Muridae
  • Subfamily: Cricetinae

Originating in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, China and Siberia.

Syrian or golden  hamster – Mesocricetus auratus

Chinese hamster – Cricetulus griseus

European hamster –  Cricetus cricetus

Dwarf hamster djungariana/Russian / songoru- Phodopus sungorus
Roborovskii dwarf hamster – Phodopus roborovskii

In the wild the golden brown-red colour develops with dense, short hair. The domestic  hamster descended from three siblings, one male and two females located in Syria in  1931. There are many different species of hamsters throughout the world and most The hamster as a pet hamsters inhabit semi-desert areas where they live in burrows. These  burrows consist of many tunnels and separate chambers including chambers where the  hamster will store food and sleep. Hamsters are nocturnal, sleeping during the hot days and waking in the cooler evenings. They have very poor eyesight but a keen sense of  smell and excellent hearing. Most species of hamsters have expandable cheek pouches in which they can carry food and bedding back to their burrow where they will store food.  The word ‘hamster’ comes from the German word ‘hamstern’ which means ‘to hoard’.


There are a huge variety of cage styles and sizes and which one to choose can be  confusing. Make sure you choose one that is appropriate for the size of hamster you are  choosing as well as one that is easy to clean. Also make sure you have cage accessories  such as bedding, an exercise wheel, and a cozy sleep hut picked out. A variety of products made out of cotton or similar materials are marketed as nesting material. However, there  are potential problems with using some of these products. Many commercial nesting materials are actually made up of very small threads or fibres. These threads can  sometimes get wound around little hamster toes and cause injuries. Also, if your hamster eats some of these bedding, the fibres may not be digestible. While the risks are small,  there are easier alternatives. Simply use undyed and unscented toilet paper, facial tissue,  or soft paper towels. You can shred these a bit but you can let your hamster finish  shredding them and crafting them into a soft cozy nest.

A good exercise wheel will help keep your hamster healthy. In the wild, hamsters would  travel miles every night in search of food, and some hamsters in captivity have been reported to run up to 8 km per night on their exercise wheels. Hamsters need lots of exercise and most pet hamsters love to use exercise wheels. The best kind of hamster wheel has a solid surface that either attaches to the side of the cage or is free standing. The common wire wheel that looks like a ladder wrapped into a circle with side bars for support is not the best choice as it can cause injuries. Hamsters need to be able to chew. For chewing, a variety of wood structures and toys will help keep your hamster’s teeth in shape. Hamsters also tend to like playing with tubes and tunnels and things they can climb on.

Excessive cleaning of the cage can cause stress to the animals as it alters the territorial markings. The cage should be cleaned weekly by removing the hamster from the cage and throwing away old bedding and food. However, your pet will appreciate it if some of its old bedding is placed in the clean cage along with the fresh bedding.


Your pet hamster requires a fairly regular diet consisting of proteins, vitamins and  minerals. Your pet will be quite happy to be fed about once a day, usually in the early  evening, when it is starting to wake up.

Recommended 5-10 grams a day with a 16-24% protein, 60-65% carbohydrate, 5-7% fat. It is recommended to supplement the diet with seeds, grains, fruit and vegetables to provide variety without unbalancing the intake of nutrients. Hamsters need a regular supply of fresh water. You should either provide a water bowl filled with fresh water daily, or you can use a small animal water bottle.


The most important thing you need to know is that hamsters are nearsighted and have  very limited view. Hamsters only bite if scared or uncomfortable. You can move them  with your hands or if they are aggressive with a container (empty and clean). Be careful when you pick up a hamster that is asleep, to wake up abruptly can cause them to bite.


Hamsters have poor eyesight; they are nearsighted and colorblind. However, they have an acute sense of smell and can hear extremely well. Hamsters can use their sense of smell to detect gender, locate food, and detect pheromones. They are also particularly  sensitive to high-pitched noises and can hear and communicate in the ultrasonic range. One characteristic of rodents that is highly visible in hamsters is their sharp incisors. They have two pairs in the front of their mouths and these incisors never stop growing  and thus must be regularly worn down. Hamsters carry food in their spacious cheek pouches to their underground storage chambers. When full, their cheeks can make their heads double (or even triple) in size. Have an odoriferous gland that serves for marking  territory, individual identification and possibly sexual attraction.

General data on the  golden hamster

Average life: 2-3 years
Body length: 9-18 (as races)
Adult female weight: 90-180g
Adult male weight: 80-140g
Birth weight: 1.5-3g
Daily water intake: 12-30ml
Daily food consumption: 10-15g
Breeding: Hamsters become fertile at different ages depending on their species, but this can be from one month to three months of age. The female’s reproductive life only lasts  about 18 months, but male hamsters remain fertile much longer. Females are in heat approximately every four days, indicated by a reddening of genital areas.

Hamsters are seasonal breeders. Breeding season is from April to October in the northern  hemisphere, with two to five litters of 1 to 13 young being born after a gestation period of 16 to 23 days. Golden hamster females are also very aggressive toward male  hamsters and must be separated immediately after breeding in order to prevent an attack. Female hamsters are also particularly sensitive to disturbances while giving birth and may even eat her own young if she thinks they are in danger, although sometimes she is just carrying the pups in her cheek pouches. Hamsters are born hairless and blind in a nest that the mother will have prepared in advance. After one week they begin to  explore outside the nest. They are completely weaned after three weeks, or four for  Roborovski hamsters.

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.

The benefits of owning a pet

Classically it has been said that having a dog or cat for company, offering their loyalty, love and trust to the family, improves your lifestyle. But now this concept of companion pets goes further. There is evidence to suggest that pets are a fundamental support for people living alone
or for single parents; a situation that is becoming more common. In some cases, the social support offered by an animal is greater than the support another human could offer. Several studies recommend pets for children and adults  with psychological problems, elderly people and many other groups of people. Stroking the  coats of cats and dogs has relaxing effects on humans. Pet ownership can teach us responsibility as we must provide the animals with veterinary care, food, walks and satisfy their physiological needs,  etc. A dog, for example, improves our sociability as we need to leave the house to take him for walks, which in turn tears us away from the TV, computer or work, encouraging us to make friends with other dog owners.  Our pets also invite us to play; both children and adults alike, bringing smiles to our faces and encouraging laughter – which in turn keeps us feeling  young.  Rare is the psychologist who fails to give this advice to his patient… «Buy your child a dog, a cat, a bird or an aquarium.» There are numerous foundations  with the slogan «pets benefit your health.» Scientific research testifies to this ‘pet ower’ and budgies, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs and fish all have their part to play. Contact with animals can
bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, helping to prevent illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure and aiding recovery. In short, it is highly recommended to have a pet. You must however always try to find one that best suits your lifestyle.
Before bringing a pet into your life ask yourself the following questions:
■ Why do you want a pet?
■ Do you have time for a pet?
■ Can you afford a pet?
■ Are you prepared to deal with any special problems the animal may cause?
■ Can you have a pet where you live?
■ Is it the right time for you to get a pet?
■ Are your living arrangements suited to the animal you have in mind?
■ Who will care for your animal if you have to be away or die?
■ Are you able and prepared to care for and keep the animal for the rest of his life?

No one wants to see an animal end up in a shelter or abandoned, or being abused and neglected. So before anyone rushes off to get a pet, all
the above questions should be answered as truthfully as possible. The next step is to carefully choose the type of pet most suited to the individual, and match up the right animal to the right owner. People wanting more security in their home has played a huge part in the popularity of guard dogs. And although very effective for this purpose, the downside of this trend has been the increase of pit-bulls or
rottweilers taught to frighten people. It is now fashionable to have ‘aggressive dogs’. Bites from dogs whose owners have not obtained a ‘guard dog  licence’ are becoming frequent.  It is also not uncommon is to find a neighbour who hates dogs and complains they leave
fur in communal areas, bark at night or that the elevator smells of dog. These people are precisely those who could most benefit from owning a pet! The benefits of pet ownership to society are far greater  than the problems it may cause – as this society is degenerating due to major stress which is often curable with owning a pet. So you know, own a pet and see society change!

This article was published in Costa Blanca News.